Women at NEO

Women at NEO is a space to promote and intensify research discussion and collaboration among the female NEO community.
We are arranging an afternoon for networking among consolidated and young researchers, as well as involved students. Also, one of the goals is to inspire, engage and advice students who are currently working—or planning to work---on optimization subjects.
We will hold some brief talks and a meeting. We will encourage the setting up of specific woman networks with common interests.

It is worth to notice that male researchers/students are also welcome at this meeting!



  • Abril Torres Mendez, CINVESTAV-SALTILLO
  • Adriana Farfán Chavez, ESFM-IPN
  • Adriana Ivonne Monter, Universidad Autónoma de Hidalgo
  • Adriana Lara, ESFM-IPN
  • América Berenice Morales Díaz, CINVESTAV-SALTILLO
  • Christian Lizbeth Noguez Moreno, UAM-Azcapotzalco
  • Claudia Gomez-Santillan, Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Madero
  • Claudia Orquídea López Soto, UNAM
  • Fernanda Beltrán, CINVESTAV-IPN
  • Iris Yonitzi Martínez González, ESCOM-IPN
  • Jesica Flores Álvarez, ESCOM-IPN
  • Karla Rodriguez Guevara, ESFM-IPN
  • Laura Cruz-Reyes, Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Madero
  • Lourdes Uribe, ESFM-IPN
  • Marcela Quiroz, Universidad Veracruzana Xalapa
  • María José Salmerón Contreras, ESCOM-IPN
  • Marta Cabo, ITAM
  • Mercedes Pérez-Villafuerte, Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana
  • Michelle Caballero Ramírez, ESCOM-IPN
  • Miriam Pescador-Rojas, CINVESTAV-IPN
  • Nadia Gabriela Escobedo Domínguez, ESCOM-IPN
  • Perla Juárez Instituto, Tecnológico de Tijuana
  • Sabrina Erika Pensamiento Robledo, ESCOM-IPN
  • Sofía Alejandra Mora Arroyo, ESCOM-IPN
  • Stefany Paola Corona Soto, ESFM-IPN
  • Yazmín Maldonado Instituto, Tecnológico de Tijuana