Post-proceedings submission

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As announced during the event, the NEO 2015 is provided with a post-proceedings that will be published by Springer in the Studies in Computational Intelligence book series (see for details).

You are hereby cordially invited to submit an extension of your work or a work related to the scope of the NEO for consideration of publication in the post-proceedings, considering the following:

    All manuscripts are peer-reviewed by a panel of experts.
    The maximal page number is 30.
    Please follow the guidelines of the series which can be found at

You may submit your document in MS Word or Latex using EasyChair system

    Deadline for submission is December 05, 2015 January 03, 2016.
    It is intended that the post-proceedings are to be published until fall 2016.

 If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us Oliver Shütze schuetze[at] or Leonardo Trujillo leonardo.trujillo[at]

Finally, we also request you to please forward this announcement to other researchers and colleagues who might be interested in contributing to the NEO 2015 book.