Chairs: Dr. Marcela Quiroz Castellanos

This special session W-NEO is a way to encourage the presence of women in Science, in particular, in numerical optimization and computing. The goal is to gather young and consolidated female researchers and practitioners to share experiences and paths for possible joint work. W-NEO 2022 presents talks about recent research advances reached by women. Additionally, this space will be an opportunity to discuss realities, problems, and possible solutions about the gender gap in our community.

We will also hold space for networking to inspire, engage, and advise students who are currently working—or planning to work—on NEO areas. We will hold some brief talks and a meeting.

Topics of interested include (but are not limited to):

  • Optimization
  • Energy
  • Numerical applications
  • Evolutionary computing

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by a panel of international experts.

The W-NEO will be held September 05, 19:00 -- 21:00, in the restaurant "La Parrilla de Tío Closs" as social event. We will organize the transfer from the venue to the restaurant and try to get the transportation from the restaurant to the hotel. Expenses during the W-NEO cannot be covered by the NEO 2024.

Marcela Quiroz is a Full-Time Researcher with the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute at the Universidad Veracruzana in Xalapa City, Mexico. Her research interests include: combinatorial optimization, metaheuristics, experimental algorithms, characterization and data mining. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Instituto Tecnologico de Tijuana, Mexico. She studied engineering in computer systems and received the degree of master in computer science at the Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Madero, Mexico. She is a member of the Mexican National Researchers System (SNI), and also a member of the directive committees of the Mexican Computing Academy (AMexComp) and the Mexican Robotics Federation (FMR).