NEO 2013
International Workshop on Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization
October 14-16, 2013
Tlalnepantla, Mexico
The aim of this workshop is to bring together scientists from different fields and countries to discuss recent advances in numerical and evolutionary optimization.
NEO 2013 is hosted by the Computer Science Department of the CINVESTAV-IPN (Research and Advanced Studies Center of the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico), Campus Zacatenco.
All topics related to numerical and evolutionary optimization are welcome, including:- single- and multi-objective optimization
- multi-level optimization
- large scale optimization
- robust optimization
- local search
- set oriented numerics
- global heuristics
- hybrid and memetic approaches
- Parallel/distributed implementations and applications
- real world applications
The program will be put online soon.
The workshop will be held in the hotel Mandarin Carton which is located in the town Tlalnepantla near to Mexico City. The conference location can be reached via taxi (approx. 200 Pesos) within several minutes from the Benito Juarez International Airport in Mexico City.